
Please join us for an end-of-the-semester social! We will be celebrating the service of outgoing Executive Council members and welcoming in some newly elected members. Meet us at Brotzeit Lokal at 3 p.m. on  Thursday, May 25th. We will be there until 5. Appetizers are included; no host bar.

Brotzeit Lokal- 1000 Embarcadero, Oakland 94606

Spring Social


TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2017


*Contact if you did not receive a ballot at your home address


Peralta Federation of Teachers





Please check only one box for each Council Position listed below:


  • Chriss Foster (English, Merritt)
  • Jennifer Shanoski (Chemistry, Merritt)
  • Write in ________________________


  • Tae-Soon Park (Math, Merritt)
  • Write-in: _______________________


  • Matthew Goldstein (Humanities, CoA)
  • Write-in: _______________________


  • Rick Greenspan (Automotive Technology, Alameda)
  • Miriam Zamora- Kantor (DSPS, Laney)
  • Write-in: _______________________

Diversity Chairperson

  • Kimberly King (Psychology, Laney)
  • Linda Thompson (Kinesiology, CoA)
  • Write-in: _______________________

Please check any two boxes for your campus ONLY:

Campus Co-Chairs

Your Campus:_________________

Alameda College Campus Co-Chair

  • Maurice Jones (English)
  • Mary Shaughnessy (Counseling)
  • Write-in: _______________________
  • Write-in: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________

Berkeley College Campus Co-Chair

  • Joshua Boatright (Library)
  • Scott Hoshida (English)
  • Write-in: _______________________
  • Write-in: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________

Laney College Campus Co-Chair

  • David Jones (Culinary)
  • Ann McMurdo (Counseling)
  • Write-in: _______________________
  • Write-in: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________

Merritt College Campus Co-Chair

  • Hilary Altman (Communications)
  • Sheila Metcalf-Tobin (Art)
  • Write-in: _______________________
  • Write-in: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________

Career Technology Education (CTE) Representative

CTE Faculty ONLY, please check one box

  • Peter Brown (Machine Technology, Laney)
  • Write-in: ______________________

Part-Time Chairperson

Part-Time Faculty ONLY, please check one box

  • Bradley Balukjian (Biology, Laney)
  • Cynthia Mahabir (Sociology, Laney)
  • Write-in: _______________________


TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2017


Contract Ratification Vote
Thursday, May 4, 2017
3-5:30 p.m.
Laney College room B-130
900 Fallon Street
Oakland, CA 94606
Refreshments will be served



  • Review & discussion of the Tentative Agreement
  • Review & discussion of 50/50 split of funds to address Part-time parity
  • Q & A
  • Ratification vote


Make your voice heard. Join CPFA and part-time faculty across the state at the

CPFA Annual Conference 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017   

Laney College, Oakland*

Registration / Coffee / Snacks begin at 8:30 am

Main program is from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (Lunch included)

Program includes workshops and panel discussions on major issues facing all part-time faculty in the California Community Colleges System.

Keynote: “Organizing to Affect Change”– Carl Hall, Executive Officer, Pacific Media Workers Guild

Part-Time Faculty Legislation/Budget Issues: Past, Present and Future – John Martin and Raymond Brennan

Retirement / CalSTRS – Deborah Dahl-Shanks, Diablo Valley College

“Where does your College’s Budget Go?” – Carol Whiley, San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association (SDAFA)

“Why should CPFA be Supported?” – Helena Worthen, AFT PT Activist, Jeffrey Michels, CCCI President, and Jelger Kaljim, UPTE President

 CPFA EC Elections – Interested in joing the CPFA Executive Committee? Click HERE

The Robert Yoshioka Award


Optional ticket. Please join us for social hour and dinner following the main program.

Accommodation. Attendees who wish to secure a hotel reservation at Four Points by Sheraton, SF Bay Bridge, please call 1 (800) 325-3535 and mention that you are part of the “CPFA group” guest list. You can also do this online, by clicking HERE.

General Inquiries. John Martin, CPFA Chair, or call CPFA at (916) 572-2732.

Local Contact. Cynthia Mahabir.

Not sure if you are a CPFA member in good standing?
Email John Martin for help finding out.

*Directions. Laney College – Building F, 204 – 900 Fallon St, Oakland, CA 94607




for the


for the term of

July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019

All dues-paying PFT members in good standing are eligible to be elected to serve on the Executive Council.  Members may nominate themselves or other members of the union for positions on the Executive Council. Please make sure your nominee is a dues-paying member in good standing of the union and willing to run.

Members of the Executive Council have the overall responsibility of decision-making for the PFT.  Elected members of the Council include the Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer), the Campus Chairs (two from each campus), and the Committee Chairs (Career and Technical Education Representative, Part-Timer Representative, and Diversity Representative). Each Council member is required to attend PFT Executive Council Meetings, which are generally on the first and third Thursday of each month in regular session (though extra or emergency meetings are sometimes called at anytime).

Officers have a variety of duties: the President makes staffing decisions and runs the PFT office, assigns tasks to the Officers and the Grievance Officers, assigns the Negotiations Team, and conducts the Council Meetings, as well as representing the Union on Local, State, and National levels; the Vice-President assists in all of these duties; the Secretary has the responsibility of overseeing meeting minutes, file maintenance, and membership rolls; and the Treasurer has the responsibility of overseeing the financial activities of the Union.

Aside from attending Council meeting, Campus and Committee Chairs are encouraged, but not required, to hold Chapter Meetings for their campuses or represented populations; Campus and Committee Chairs often are the first contact for faculty on the campus. They frequently serve on hiring and screening committees, and occasionally handle grievances.  Campus Chairs can be either part-time or full-time, but should be on campus for most of their assignment; the Career and Technical Education Representative must be a vocational faculty member, and the Part-Timer Representative must be a part-time non-contract faculty member. Also, when it is time to vote on the nominees (in the election), only Part-Time faculty members will be allowed to vote for the Part-Timer Representative position and only Vocational faculty will be allowed to vote for the Vocational Chair Position.

Please be certain that your nominees wish to run for these positions, verifying their willingness with signatures.  Please only nominate the Campus and Committee chairs that apply to you.  Please also be certain that your nominees are PFT members in good standing and qualified for the positions. Be absolutely sure to sign this nomination form, as unsigned nomination forms will be disregarded.


NOMINATIONS ARE DUE BY 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Nomination forms should be returned to the PFT office via US Mail or fax (PFT mailing address: PFT, 500 E. 8th St., Suite B, Oakland, CA 94606, PFT fax number: 510-763-1140). You may also use intra-district mail, addressing the form to the PFT at Laney College (not at the District Office), or deliver by hand to the PFT Office or to any PFT Executive Council Member. Please allow sufficient time for mail to arrive. Written nominations must be in at the General Membership Meeting on April 19 in College of Alameda Room D-237 at 3:00 p.m. – nominations from the floor will be taken at the beginning of the meeting. Nominations will close at that point.

A nominee MUST agree to run before you nominate them.







In the wake of the recent elections, unions across the country face anti-labor legislation and lawsuits. To fight these battles, PFT must build a strong union that negotiates fair contracts for all faculty and grows its membership ranks. To do this, the PFT Executive Board resolved to circulate the letter below asking for signatures of support for an equitable contract and to recruit more PT faculty to our union.

In solidarity,

Ed Jaramillo,

PFT President


The Ask: Last Fall, more than 500 people signed a petition asking that the district compensate part-time faculty fairly by giving them equal pay for equal work. It is now time for us to back up our words with action and a sign of true support. We are asking part-time faculty to stand up for the compensation they deserve, and asking full-time faculty to accept a little less of a raise in this contract in order to bring their part-time brethren closer to parity, a sacrifice we feel is reasonable given that we are all part of the same union and same faculty.

If you are in agreement, please sign at the bottom.

Dear Fellow Peralta Faculty,
Our union (PFT) negotiating team is close to reaching an agreement with the district’s negotiation team for a two-year employment contract, covering 2016-17 and 2017-18. The contract allocates money for faculty raises, but it is up to us, the PFT membership, to decide how to divide that money between full and part-time faculty. The total pot of money that is earmarked for raises is $1,849,646 (for the 2 years total). One proposal on the table is to give all faculty an “across the board” 2% raise in 2016-17 and 1.5% raise in 2017-18. Given the amount of current salaries, giving everyone the same percentage raise would mean that full-time faculty would get $1,233,714 (approximately 66.7% of the total money) and part-timers would get $615,932, the remaining 33.3% (keep in mind that this disparity is due to the fact that although part-timers outnumber full-timers, the majority of sections are still taught by full-timers since they have full 15 hour per-week instructional loads).

The Proposal: In order to address the longstanding inequity and lack of parity between full- and part-time faculty to do the exact same work (instructional work), we propose an alternative, which would be to allocate 50% of the $1,849,646, or $924,823, to full-timers and 50%, or $924,823, to part-timers.

The Rationale: In 2013, the PFT negotiated a part-time salary schedule with 25 steps, a big increase over the previous 7-step schedule. As a compromise in establishing the 25 steps, part-timers accepted less than 100% parity with their full-time counterparts with the understanding that over the next few contract negotiations, raises for part-timers would be negotiated to “fill out the steps” and bring us to full parity. Those negotiations are now upon us. Our above proposal does not bring us to full parity, but we feel it is a reasonable request that moves us closer to that goal. Furthermore, since it takes 30 equated teaching hours for step advancement and many part-time faculty have small teaching loads, it can take several years before part-time faculty can advance on the salary schedule, making this proposed increase in pay that much more important.

Brad Balukjian, Laney Biology Faculty and

Karyn Panitch, Laney ESOL Faculty


Contact Us
500 East Eighth Street
Suite B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Phone: (510)763-8820
E-mail address: