Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Database Coordinator/Member Liaison: Ann a Roy – (510) 763-8820, anna@pft1603.org
Bookkeeper: Andrew Park, a@bkpark.com
Executive Director: Sejal Babaria – (510) 807-8155, sejal@pft1603.org
Executive Council
The Executive Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month (from 3 to 5 p.m.) in Session to decide on matters of policy and action for the Union on behalf of the Membership. If you have a matter you would like to bring before the Council, please contact the PFT Office or your Campus Co-chair.
President: Jeff Sanceri, sanceri@gmail.com
Vice President: Francis Howard, Francis.Howard0251@gmail.com
Secretary and Grievance Officer: Jennifer Shanoski- shanoski@gmail.com
Treasurer: Rick Greenspan – rickfromalameda@sbcglobal.net
Committee Chairs
Diversity Chair: Douglass Cobb, bigface78@hotmail.com
Part-Time Representatives: Susan Andrien, saandrien@yahoo.com
Marc Lispi, marclispi@gmail.com
Vocational Career Technical Education (CTE) Representative: Karl Seelbach, seelbachkarl@gmail.com
COPE Chair: Jennifer Shanoski, shanoski@gmail.com
Campus Representatives
Alameda: Andrew Park, a@bkpark.com/ Richard Kaeser, vikingsarecool12@gmail.com
Laney: Terrance Greene, tgreene1971@yahoo.com /Marla Leech, orr40@hotmail.com
Merritt: Kevin Pina, kpina@calfac.org; 510-401-4123; Feather Ives, feathermerritt@gmail.com
Berkeley: Mary Clarke-Miller, maryclarkemiller@gmail.com / Matthew Silverberg, matthewsilverberg1@gmail.com