Health Care

We all have questions about our health care, and there are people who can answer those questions.

Your first contact is the district’s Benefits Office.  You can reach the benefits office at 510-466-7229 or

For specific information concerning the various health, life, and income protection benefits, the actual plan documents are listed here:

Coresource Actives
Coresource Pre 2004 Retirees
Coresource Post 2004 Retirees
Delta Dental

You can also visit the Peralta Benefits Plan site at

We have increasing confidence in the new health plans–the bugs are getting worked out, and things are starting to run much more smoothly.  But there are still problems. If you are having a problem with your benefits, please let the PFT know.

*Please click here to access Peralta Retirees Organization’s Vice-President, Bruce Jacob’s power-point presentation entitled, Health Insurance and Retirement, Kaiser, Core Source and Medicare.

Additional Links

Contact Us
500 East Eighth Street
Suite B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Phone: (510)763-8820
E-mail address: