
Peralta’s Office of Human Resources has advised PFT that pay increases included in the October 2013 Agreement on Re-openers will start to appear in faculty paychecks in November.

Full-time faculty will see a 3.65% increase starting with their November paychecks; separate retro checks reflecting the 3.65% raise from July 1-Oct. 31 will be issued in December.

All part-timers will see a 1.57% COLA in their November paychecks; separate retro checks for those remaining on Steps 1-7 will be issued in December. For folks on new Steps 8-25, regular paychecks will reflect the new placement—and separate retro checks will be issued—in January at the latest.

The reason for the lag for part-timers on the new steps is the 30-day period they will have to verify their placement on the modified pay schedule. On Nov. 12, HR will send step-placement letters via US Mail to the home addresses of part-time faculty, who will then have 30 days to appeal their placement to district HR.

The raises reflect a 4% increase in overall faculty compensation. Full-timers’ 4% includes dollars that go to covering professional development and increases in dental costs; part-timers’ 4% includes 1.57% across-the-board raises and increases worth significantly more for longtime faculty, some of whom will “jump up the steps” and get well above the 4% all-faculty average.

Don’t miss the PFT local chapter meetings that are being held now on campuses, plus the next General Membership Meeting: Tuesday, November 19, Merritt College, Room R23, 3-5pm.


The Peralta Board of Trustees has approved the Agreement on Re-openers to the 2012-2015 Successor Agreement.

PFT and district negotiators signed off on the TA Oct. 3, and faculty voted overwhelmingly to approve the deal a week later. Salary increases—including the long-awaited 25-step salary schedule for part-time faculty and an across-the-board 3.65% raise for contract faculty—are on the way. Both adjustments will be retroactive to the start of the Fiscal Year.

Part-time faculty members will soon receive email notice from the district about their placement on the new 25-step salary schedule; if they feel they’ve been placed incorrectly, they’ll have 30 days to make a written appeal to the VC of Human Resources.

Now it’s time to celebrate the gains and continue to work on making our union even stronger!

union and victory

GMM and Vote 10-10-13

On Oct. 10, over 80 members came out and voted for a deal that includes wage increases for all faculty, 18 additional salary steps for part-time faculty, reinstatement of professional development money and sabbaticals, and more.  With over 97% yes votes, the contract reopeners for 2012-2015 have been approved, and wage increases will be retroactive to the start of the fiscal year! 

The time is now for us to celebrate our gains and keep building our collective power within the Peralta Community College District—and beyond.

To access the details on the agreement, click here

Click here, 10.3.13 TA, to review the complete document.




PFT and Fast Food

Fast food workers across the nation have been standing up to demand fair wages and to bring their salaries above the poverty lines.  On Thursday, August 29th, PFT Members, Peralta Trustee, Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, and hundreds of members from the community, inter-faith organizations, and other unions come out to rally and support their fight.

PFT Members CCSF Action

On July 9th, PFT Members and Officers joined the teachers and students at City College in San Francisco in their fight to save CCSF.

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