
PFT invites you to join the effort in stopping the recall of Governor Newsom. 

Gov. Newsom has been a strong ally to labor and education. Among other things, he passed a budget that provided an unprecedented amount of funding to CA’s public education system. If the recall is successful, we can expect to lose this funding and more. No matter how you feel about Gov. Newsom’s policies, those of his replacement are sure to be worse. And turnout is likely to be key in this election.

Here are a few opportunities for you to get involved and talk to members about the importance of voting NO on the recall on September 14. Click the links to sign up:

Please circle July 13th on your calendar. SEIU Local 2015 and its partners and allies
will host simultaneous “Care is Essential” events in Los Angeles and Oakland in
support of the American Jobs Plan, and its investments in caregiving and caregivers.

These twin events will lift up the voices and importance of America’s human
infrastructure, and provide a joyous opportunity for caregivers and their allies to
come together in person and to mark a turning point in the pandemic. Together, we
will demand that the America which emerges after COVID-19 is one that invests in
its most essential workers, building back a better nation than we were before.

Join PFT members in phone banking students to ensure that they have what they need to register for Fall 2021. The administration can’t cut full classes – let’s work together to make sure that our classes remain on the schedule!




FOR THE TERM JULY 1, 2021- JUNE 30, 2023

All dues-paying PFT members in good standing are eligible to be elected to serve on the Executive Council. Members may nominate themselves or other members of the union for positions on the Executive Council. Please make sure your nominee is a dues-paying member in good standing of the union and willing to run.

Members of the Executive Council have the overall responsibility of decision-making for the PFT. Elected members of the Council include the Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer), the Campus Chairs (two from each campus), and the Committee Chairs (Career and Technical Education Representative, Part-Timer Representatives (two Co-Representatives, and Diversity Representative). Each Council member is required to attend PFT Executive Council Meetings, which are generally on the first and third Thursday of each month in regular session (though extra or emergency meetings are sometimes called at anytime). Part-time faculty who serve on the Executive Council are eligible for up to 16 hours per month for up to 4.5 months per semester of paid service according to the non-instructional extra service salary schedule as a consultant.

Officers have a variety of duties: the President makes staffing decisions and runs the PFT office, assigns tasks to the Officers and the Grievance Officers, assigns the Negotiations Team, and conducts the Council Meetings, as well as representing the Union on Local, State, and National levels; the Vice-President assists in all of these duties; the Secretary has the responsibility of overseeing meeting minutes, file maintenance, and membership rolls; and the Treasurer has the responsibility of overseeing the financial activities of the Union.

Aside from attending Council meeting, Campus and Committee Chairs are encouraged, but not required, to hold Chapter Meetings for their campuses or represented populations; Campus and Committee Chairs often are the first contact for faculty on the campus. They frequently serve on hiring and screening committees, and occasionally handle grievances. Campus Chairs can be either part-time or full-time, but should be on campus for most of their assignment; the Career and Technical Education Representative must be a vocational faculty member, and the Part-Timer Representatives must be part-time faculty member. Also, when it is time to vote on the nominees (in the election), only Part-time faculty members will be allowed to vote for the Part-timer Representatives position and only Vocational faculty will be allowed to vote for the Vocational Chair Position.

Please be certain that your nominees wish to run for these positions, verifying their willingness with signatures. Please only nominate the Campus and Committee chairs that apply to you. Please also be certain that your nominees are PFT members in good standing and qualified for the positions. Be absolutely sure to sign this nomination form, as unsigned nomination forms will be disregarded.

NOMINATIONS ARE DUE BY 12 p.m. on Thursday, April 8, 2021

at the General Membership Meeting


Contact Us
500 East Eighth Street
Suite B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Phone: (510)763-8820
E-mail address: