Career Technical Education (CTE) Representative
For the term of date of election through June 30, 2019
Peralta Federation of Teachers is announcing a special election and call for nominations for an open seat on the Executive Council. The seat open for nominations is one Career Technical Education (CTE) Representative representing CTE faculty district wide. All PFT members in good-standing are eligible to be elected to serve on the Executive Council. Members may nominate themselves (self-nominations are encouraged) or other members of the union for positions on the Executive Council. Please make sure your nominee is a member in good standing of the union and willing to run.
Elected members of the Executive Council have the overall responsibility of decision-making for the PFT. The CTE Representative is the first line of communication for CTE faculty, frequently serve on hiring and screening committees, and occasionally handles grievances. The CTE Representative is also encouraged to hold CTE Committee meetings for vocational faculty once a semester. The CTE Representative must be a CTE faculty member.
Each Executive Council member is required to attend PFT Executive Council Meetings, which are generally on the first and third Thursday of each month from 3-5pm during the Academic Year (though extra or emergency meetings are sometimes called in the Summer). Part-time faculty who serve on the Executive Council are eligible for up to 16 hours per month for up to 4.5 months per semester of paid service according to the non-instructional extra service salary schedule as a consultant.
Please be certain that your nominees wish to run for the position, have the time to do so, and verify their willingness to serve. CTE Representative nominations may only be made by CTE faculty. You must sign this nomination form. Unsigned nomination forms will be disregarded.
Nomination forms should be returned to the PFT office via US Mail at 500 East 8th St., Suite B, Oakland, CA 94606. You may also use District mail, addressing the form to PFT, email to union@pft1603.org, or deliver by hand to the PFT Office or to any PFT Executive Council Member.