The 78th Convention of the California Federation of Teachers is hereby called to convene online on Friday, March 26, 2020, at the hour of 9 a.m. and will remain in session two days or until such time as it has given full consideration to such matters as legally may be brought before it.
— Jeffery M. Freitas, President


The biennial CFT Convention is the highest policymaking body of the Federation. The union’s vitality and democracy depend upon participation in the Convention by delegates from locals in good standing.

The constitutional provisions for CFT Conventions have been adopted to ensure CFT members are represented in the policy-making of their union. Delegates will elect the CFT President, Secretary Treasurer and 24 Vice Presidents, plus delegates to the AFT Convention 2022 and the California Labor Federation Convention 2022. Delegates will also vote on important resolutions and constitutional amendments. 

Nominations are now open for elected Peralta Federation of Teachers delegates to the convention. 

Fill & sign a nomination form here. 

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Suite B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
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