After racing through its last couple of meetings in less than a combined 2.5 hours, the Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees downshifted at its Oct. 22 session.
The three-hour endurance test saw the unanimous passage of the PFT-PCCD tentative contract agreement, spirited discussion about the use of general funds for technology projects, and a brace of detailed presentations. Despite protracted deliberation on some items, trustees passed everything on the agenda.
The 7-0 vote on the PFT contract—about which the board, uncharacteristically, had nothing to say—means that faculty will see their first raises in nearly seven years. Salary increases will be retroactive to the start of the Fiscal Year.
Part-time faculty members will soon receive email notice from the district about their placement on the new 25-step salary schedule; if they feel they’ve been placed incorrectly, they’ll have 30 days to make a written appeal to the VC of Human Resources.
In solidarity,
Matthew M. Goldstein, Ph.D.
President, Peralta Federation of Teachers
AFT Local 1603
500 E. Eighth St., Ste. B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Office: 510.763.8820
Fax: 510.763.1140
Keep up with the board online, and follow the union on Twitter @PFT1603. And like us on Facebook, too!