Dear Peralta Community,
Welcome to the second Tuesday and the first e-Communiqué of the month. Look for the next blast from the Peralta Federation of Teachers in two weeks.
*To beat the May 12 deadline, part-time faculty should walk in completed ballots on the 1.1% State Disability Insurance deduction to the PFT offices (500 E. Eighth St., Ste. B) by 4 p.m. Wed. For more information about SDI, contact PFT part-time rep Cynthia Mahabir at
*The Peralta Board of Trustees faces the public tonight at seven for its regular twice-monthly meeting at 333 E. Eighth St. Notable agenda items include discussion and possible approval of a one-year extension of the PFT contract and proposed SEIU layoffs, effective July 1, totaling a staggering 18.5 FTEs. An increase in daily parking fees at all colleges except BCC is also on the agenda.
*PFT encourages folks who missed the May 7 deadline for the district benefits audit to contact CoreSource—which is handling the audit for Kaiser and CoreSource members alike—at 866.434.1211 or PCCD Benefits Coordinator Jennifer Benford Seibert at PFT reminds faculty that, despite its threats, the district can’t strip employees of their benefits without negotiating with the union.
*Laney hosts a town hall meeting Wed., May 12, 12-1 p.m., in T 450, to discuss District Administrative Procedure 5550, addressing the creation of so-called “free speech zones” on campus. PFT urges faculty to show up and argue against district efforts to restrict First Amendment rights at the colleges.
*The Alameda Labor Council—100 Hegenberger Rd., Ste. 150, Oakland—needs help with phone banking, 5:30-8 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. To phone bank or walk precincts to promote pro-labor candidates, contact Tamara at 510.632.4242, ext. 228.
*In a successful effort to improve classroom safety, PFT convinced district officials to enforce maximum room occupancies. When you return in the fall, verify that your classrooms have clearly displayed maximum-occupancy signs. Email reports of missing signs to your dean and PCCD General Services (, and copy PFT at
In unity,
Debby Weintraub, President
PFT, AFT Local 1603
Email with items you’d like to see in the e-Communiqué. For more about PFT—contract information, contacts, downloadable forms, updates, etc.—visit