Welcome to 2013-14’s debut e-Communiqué, the fortnightly email update from the Peralta Federation of Teachers. The e-C appears second and fourth Tuesdays, just ahead of regular meetings of the PCCD Board of Trustees.

*Trustees kick off the new school year tonight at seven at 333. E. Eighth St. in the district boardroom, with a public hearing on the final 2013-14 budget. Also on the agenda: a resolution in support of a series of cultural events commemorating the trial of Huey P. Newton, a deal to allow the district to collect student fees owed more than a year, and a half dozen administrative hires.

*Don’t miss PFT’s first general membership meeting of the year, Th., Sept. 26, 3:15-5 p.m., in Room B 210 at Laney. Contract talks—which center chiefly on the first faculty salary raise in about seven years—top the agenda. Count on snacks and lively discussion. The union will hold four general membership meetings over the school year, one apiece at each college.

*The PCCD Benefits Office reminds part-time faculty of the Sept. 18 deadline for healthcare enrollment/re-enrollment. (Part-time faculty working a load of at least .4, six equated hours or more, are eligible to participate in the district’s 50-50 plan.) Download the annual open enrollment announcement and/or enrollment forms from the PCCD Benefits Office website. Contact Benefits Manager Jennifer Seibert at jseibert@peralta.edu with any questions.

*PFT’s Matthew Goldstein will hold a “presidential office hour,” Tues., Sept. 24, 12-1 p.m., in the Merritt College D Quad (look for the white-and-orange PFT table skirt). Faculty should stop by and visit awhile. Goldstein will hold office hours at the colleges throughout the fall—check the e-Communiqué for dates and locations.

In solidarity,

Matthew M. Goldstein, President

Peralta Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 1603


union@pft1603.org, 510.763.8820

Website: www.pft1603.org

Follow the union on Twitter @PFT1603. And like us on Facebook, too!

Contact Us
500 East Eighth Street
Suite B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Phone: (510)763-8820
E-mail address: Union@pft1603.org