Welcome to 2012-13’s first e-Communiqué, the twice-monthly email update from the Peralta Federation of Teachers. The e-Communiqué hits inboxes on the second and fourth Tuesdays, just ahead of the regular meetings of the PCCD Board of Trustees.
*Trustees kick off the new school year tonight at seven at 333 E. Eighth St. in the district boardroom. The board will follow the Community College League of California and the California Labor Federation and take up resolutions in favor of Prop 30, the governor’s Schools and Local Public Safety Initiative, and against Prop 32, known by its opponents as the Special Exemptions Act. Trustees will also consider approval of a $125K increase for HR independent contractor Renne, Sloan; entertain ratification of a contract with Patricia Stanley, interim Merritt president; and hold a public hearing on the final 2012-13 budget.
*Don’t miss PFT’s first general membership meeting of the year, Tues., Sep. 18, 3-5 p.m., at College of Alameda in Room C 109. On the agenda: Measure B’s happy implications, the fall elections, and an update on recent actions by the PFT Executive Council. Count on salty snacks and lively discussion. The union will hold four general membership meetings over the school year, one apiece at each college.
*BCC holds its first 2012-13 PFT chapter meeting, Wed., Sep. 19, 12:15-1:15 p.m., in Room 421. Lunch will be provided to those who RSVP to BCC rep Joan Berezin at jber@igc.org. Among the agenda items are a discussion of budget cuts and a Q & A with the PFT president.
*Part-time faculty whose loads have been cut in fall 2012 may apply for up to $500 in emergency assistance from PFT. Awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, Member Emergency Relief Fund (MERF) monies will go to applicants who 1) have current PFT membership, 2) have worked in a department for at least six of the previous ten semesters, 3) have lost 50% or more of a semester base load assignment, 4) have no full-time employment elsewhere, and 5) have no or limited retirement benefits. MERF applications will be accepted until funds are exhausted. Find application forms on the PFT website, under the Part-Time Corner tab, or at the PFT offices.
*The PCCD Benefits Office reminds part-time faculty of the Sep. 19 deadline for healthcare enrollment/re-enrollment. (Part-time faculty working two classes or six equated hours are eligible to participate in the district’s 50-50 plan.) Download enrollment forms from the PCCD Benefits Office website. Contact Benefits Manager Jennifer Seibert, promoted from coordinator over the summer, at jseibert@peralta.edu with any questions.
*PFT’s Matthew Goldstein will hold a “presidential office hour,” Mon., Sep. 24, 12-1 p.m., in the Laney College Student Center. Faculty are encouraged to stop by and catch up. Goldstein will hold office hours at the colleges throughout the fall—check the e-Communiqué for dates and locations.
In solidarity,
Matthew M. Goldstein, Ph.D.
President, Peralta Federation of Teachers
AFT Local 1603
500 E. Eighth St., Ste. B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Office: 510.763.8820
Fax: 510.763.1140