In the wake of the recent elections, unions across the country face anti-labor legislation and lawsuits. To fight these battles, PFT must build a strong union that negotiates fair contracts for all faculty and grows its membership ranks. To do this, the PFT Executive Board resolved to circulate the letter below asking for signatures of support for an equitable contract and to recruit more PT faculty to our union.

In solidarity,

Ed Jaramillo,

PFT President


The Ask: Last Fall, more than 500 people signed a petition asking that the district compensate part-time faculty fairly by giving them equal pay for equal work. It is now time for us to back up our words with action and a sign of true support. We are asking part-time faculty to stand up for the compensation they deserve, and asking full-time faculty to accept a little less of a raise in this contract in order to bring their part-time brethren closer to parity, a sacrifice we feel is reasonable given that we are all part of the same union and same faculty.

If you are in agreement, please sign at the bottom.

Dear Fellow Peralta Faculty,
Our union (PFT) negotiating team is close to reaching an agreement with the district’s negotiation team for a two-year employment contract, covering 2016-17 and 2017-18. The contract allocates money for faculty raises, but it is up to us, the PFT membership, to decide how to divide that money between full and part-time faculty. The total pot of money that is earmarked for raises is $1,849,646 (for the 2 years total). One proposal on the table is to give all faculty an “across the board” 2% raise in 2016-17 and 1.5% raise in 2017-18. Given the amount of current salaries, giving everyone the same percentage raise would mean that full-time faculty would get $1,233,714 (approximately 66.7% of the total money) and part-timers would get $615,932, the remaining 33.3% (keep in mind that this disparity is due to the fact that although part-timers outnumber full-timers, the majority of sections are still taught by full-timers since they have full 15 hour per-week instructional loads).

The Proposal: In order to address the longstanding inequity and lack of parity between full- and part-time faculty to do the exact same work (instructional work), we propose an alternative, which would be to allocate 50% of the $1,849,646, or $924,823, to full-timers and 50%, or $924,823, to part-timers.

The Rationale: In 2013, the PFT negotiated a part-time salary schedule with 25 steps, a big increase over the previous 7-step schedule. As a compromise in establishing the 25 steps, part-timers accepted less than 100% parity with their full-time counterparts with the understanding that over the next few contract negotiations, raises for part-timers would be negotiated to “fill out the steps” and bring us to full parity. Those negotiations are now upon us. Our above proposal does not bring us to full parity, but we feel it is a reasonable request that moves us closer to that goal. Furthermore, since it takes 30 equated teaching hours for step advancement and many part-time faculty have small teaching loads, it can take several years before part-time faculty can advance on the salary schedule, making this proposed increase in pay that much more important.

Brad Balukjian, Laney Biology Faculty and

Karyn Panitch, Laney ESOL Faculty


Official ballots for electing delegates to the 2017 Convention of the California Federation of Teachers, PFT’s state-level parent union, will be sent to members’ home addresses this week. The ten top vote-getters, five part-timers and five full-timers, will be eligible for reimbursement of up to $350 (1 night) or $500 (2 nights) for documented convention-related expenses. The theme of this year’s convention, to be held March 31- April 2 in Sacramento, is “Organize. Resist.” Full-time and part-time write-in candidates are encouraged. Please follow voting directions carefully. Ballots must be received by, Mon., March 6 at 4 p.m.

The 75th Annual Convention of the California Federation of Teachers, “Organize, Resist” has been called to convene at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento in Sacramento from March 31- April 2, 2017.  The Peralta Federation of Teachers can send as many as 29 delegates to this convention. The ten delegates with the highest votes, in addition to the PFT President, will be reimbursed up to $500 (2 nights) or $350 (1 night) for documented convention-related expenses (allocations have been made for 5 full-time faculty and 5 part-time faculty to attend).



Nominees and the person nominating them must be current dues-paying members of the PFT. If you’re not sure you are a member, contact the PFT office (phone: 510-763-8820). Please make certain that whoever you nominate is willing and able to attend the convention, and is a PFT dues-paying member. Self-nominations are acceptable and encouraged.

All nominations must be received in the PFT office no later than
4 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2017.


Download a nomination form here: CFT CONVENTION CALL 2017


Dear Members & Friends,

Please join us for these important events:

PFT is supporting “Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) efforts to elect Karen Weinstein to the Peralta Board of Trustees and YES on Prop 55 through Election Day. Karen is in a competitive race and needs our help to win. You can help in these ways:

-Post on social media or send an email to your friends, saying “Vote Karen Weinstein for Peralta Board of Trustees, she will champion community college education.” and check out all the people and organizations who support Karen.

– Phone Banking – every night from 5-8 p.m. RSVP for location.

– Walking: Sat. and Sun. starting at 10:00 a.m. throughout the day from 1971 Shattuck ave, Berkeley. But, we will definitely be dropping info to voters in Oakland.

– Monday, Nov. 7, we will be calling yes votes and dropping lit during day and phone banking .

-Tuesday – Election Day.  Volunteers will go out to high turnout precincts to hand out materials or hold up signs.   First time to go out is at 7:30 AM.
Visibility is important so if you are willing to hold up a sign at Rockridge Bart or N.Berkeley Bart, just let us know.

– Tuesday election night party:   Kingston 11 Restaurant at 2270 Telegraph, near Grand, Oakland.  We will be celebrating with Nancy Skinner (CFT endorsed) who is running for State Senate and Rebecca Saltzman who is running for Bart Board.  There will be free food. Everyone is welcome.
Please RSVP to or

Wednesday, November 9, PFT is hosting a General Membership Meeting at Laney College from 12-1:30 p.m. in room F-200. On the agenda is a negotiations update, Committee on Political Education (COPE) report, recent motion & resolutions of the Executive Council, and Q &A. All faculty are welcome to attend. 900 Fallon Street, Oakland 94606
Follow this link to RSVP for lunch:

Thursday, November 10  join us and other union members to say NO to the Dakota Access Pipeline. We will gather at Wells Fargo Bank in City Center, 1221 Broadway, Oakland from 3:30-5:30 p.m. in solidarity with the land and water protectors at Standing Rock and call on banks supporting the pipeline to pull their money from the project.

CoA Faculty: We will meet on Monday, November 14 for a chapter meeting in room D-207 from 11:30-1 p.m.. 555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Pkwy, Alameda 94501. Follow this link to RSVP for lunch. :

Merritt Faculty: We will meet on Wednesday, November 16 for a chapter meeting and President’s office hour in room S-435 from 1-3 p.m.12500 Campus Dr., Oakland 94619. Follow this link to RSVP for lunch.

BCC Faculty: We will meet on Wednesday, December 7 for a chapter meeting in room TLC-341  from 12-1:30 p.m. 2050 Center Street, Berkeley, 94707 Follow this link to RSVP for lunch.

We hope to see you soon!


The Educator’s Choice Online Voter Guide is an excellent resource for this election season. Simply enter your address to find your polling place and California Federation of Teachers and PFT endorsed candidates that will appear on your ballot.







Karen Weinstein for Peralta College Trustee

Karen will champion:

Student Achievement, Success and Equity:  I’ll advocate for increasing student services for our most vulnerable students, including early engagement, mentoring, tutoring, mental health and advising programs—all of which help our students reach their goals and become prepared for College and Careers.

Expanding High School and Peralta Partnerships:  I’ll work to expand college options to high school students, which allow high school students to begin their college work or career development while in high school so that when they graduate they are better prepared—saving time and money on their way to a four-year degree or careers.

Safe Campus sites free from sexual assault or harassment:  I’ll continue my advocacy to ensure ALL students are safe while on campus.  Sexual assault on college campuses is a growing issue, as 1 in 5 young women will be assaulted.  It is an important issue for the LGBTQ community.

Recruiting and retaining outstanding Faculty and College staff:  I am so honored to receive the endorsement of the Peralta Federation of Teachers, and will focus my efforts on retaining the teaching staff who are working so hard to prepare future generations of leaders.

Good governance is shared and transparent governance:  As a trustee, I will be a champion of community engagement, excelling in two way communication, and will work to represent all sectors. We must listen and bring to the District community concerns and ideas, while we inform the public of key issues at Peralta. Lastly, it is important, that trustees find a way to evaluate themselves and the Board’s functioning.




Reminder: PFT is bringing in Emily Gordon, Research Director of the California Federation of Teachers, for a faculty workshop on the PCCD budget. The two-hour session is set for Th., Sep. 22, at 3 p.m. in the PFT offices (500 E. Eighth St., Oakland, across the intersection from district A&R). Emily will offer an accessible overview of district finances, and give faculty a clear picture of Peralta’s spending priorities—a useful snapshot to consult as contract talks continue.

And a review of district spending priorities couldn’t be timelier: PFT has been decrying deteriorating working conditions at the colleges—unmaintained classrooms, dirty bathrooms, overcrowded faculty offices, etc.—and both the union and DAS have voiced concerns over the district’s ongoing expansion of the administration.
Email if you plan to attend the 9/22 session so we have plenty of handouts and snacks.

CoA Faculty: We will hold our first chapter meeting of the academic year on Tues., Sep. 13, from 11:30-1 p.m. in room D-208. Please RSVP for lunch to


Additionally: Now that AB 1690, CFT sponsored legislation on part-time faculty job security, has passed out of the legislature, it’s imperative we get your support urging the Governor to sign this historic piece of legislation.

Attached please find a template letter for you to download and modify as you see fit.  Please do not mail your letter directly to the Governor.  Please send them to the CFT Sacramento office.  They will have a much greater impact if we can deliver them en masse when advocates meet next with the Governor’s staff.

Please send your signed letters to:

CFT c/o Debra Burruss
1107 Ninth Street, Suite 460
Sacramento, CA  95814

Please send these letters in ASAP.  The Governor is likely to either sign or veto this legislation in the next few weeks.  (P.S. emails to the Governor will have zero impact.)

 Let PFT know you sent a letter!

Ed Jaramillo, President
Peralta Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 1603

Contact Us

500 East Eighth Street
Suite B
Oakland, CA 94606-2825
Phone: (510)763-8820
E-mail address: